
Showing posts from September 7, 2014

Stypendium! Scholarship!

--The American Institute of Polish Culture, Inc.-- Elizabeth Figus, recipient of the Harriet Irsay Scholarship, 2014//Elizabeth Figus, odbiorca stypendium Harriet Irsay, 2014 Serdecznie dziękuję, Harriet Irsay Scholarship! Dzisiaj dostałam stypendium ($1000) od American Institute of Polish Culture. Dzięki temu, mogę kupić materiały badawcze. Przyjadę do Polski na pracę w terenie już 14-tego listopada! Many thanks to the Harriet Irsay Scholarship! Today I received a scholarship ($1000) from the American Institute of Polish Culture. Thanks to this grant, I will be able to purchase research materials. I am coming to Poland for fieldwork on the 14th of November! American Institute of Polish Culture WEBSITE  "I wanted to give something to people of Polish decent, so they would be able to improve themselves through education. We should help our own people, just like other nations help their students."  -- Harriet Irsay