Curriculum Vitae

PO Box 110471
Anchorage, AK 99511 USA
+11 732 749 0319

University of Alaska Fairbanks, Juneau, AK
PhD, Fisheries

Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
MA, European Studies

Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
Language Certificate, Polish

Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
BA, International Relations and Sociology (Double Major)
GRADUATED 2009, Magna cum Laude

Leadership: Experienced vessel captain with experience hiring and training crew. Extensive experience mentoring undergraduate students. Strategic thinker.
Strong Analytic Skills: Extensive experience documenting environmental, social, and policy information, and managing mixed datasets. Interdisciplinary training with strong qualitative and quantitative skills.
Strategic Project Management: Extensive experience tracking initiatives, conducting analyses, and reporting on fisheries policy / management on two continents. Strong written and oral communication skills.
Technical Proficiency: Extensive experience with MS Office, R software, UCINET and Atlas.ti for database management and analysis, Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator for visually dynamic presentations and meeting materials; experience with SPSS, ArcGIS / ArcMap
Travel: Extensive experience traveling and living internationally for work, research, lecturing, and outreach.
Languages Spoken: First language English; fluent in Polish; working knowledge of French.

Fishery Analyst
North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Anchorage, AK
Part of an interdisciplinary team working to identify and analyze social, environmental, and economic issues pertaining to fisheries management off Alaska. Responsible for the Federal groundfish and halibut fishery observer program, electronic monitoring, development of a Bering Sea Fishery Ecosystem Plan, and member of the newly formed Social Science Planning Team. Key responsibilities include creating policy briefings, reports, white papers, and analyses.

University of Alaska Fairbanks, Juneau, AK
AUGUST 2012 - MAY 2018
Progressively responsible for all aspects of completing a successful interdisciplinary research project, including working with a team to conceptualize the scope of a problem, apply for and receive financial support, gather and analyze information, and complete all written assignments in a timely manner. Key responsibilities included creating reports and analyses.

Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
OCTOBER 2010 - MAY 2012
Analyzed policy implementation, funding distribution and stakeholder participation in Baltic Sea fisheries from the perspective of small-scale fishers in Poland. Fieldwork for this 18-month project included two months of bilingual interviewing and participant observation in 26 fishing communities on the Polish Baltic Sea coastline.

Grant Writer
Juneau, AK
NOVEMBER 2015 - APRIL 2016
Employer: Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association.
Employer: Central Bering Sea Fisherman’s Association.
Both contracts supported work that led to a successful application for a NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant to support interdisciplinary research about Pacific halibut management.

Sea Sampler
International Pacific Halibut Commission, Seattle, WA, USA
MAY 2013 - AUGUST 2013
Worked as part of a team to collect biological data on halibut and incidental catch species, including length, weight, extracting otoliths, and preserving samples of heart tissue, to ensure accurate data collection for use in the annual Pacific halibut stock assessment. Received an award for superior performance.


Figus, E., Criddle, K. 2019. Characterizing preferences of fishermen to inform decisionmaking: A case study of the Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) fishery off Alaska. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0212537.
Figus, E. and Criddle, K. 2018. Comparing self-reported incidental catch among fishermen targeting Pacific halibut and a fishery independent survey. Marine Policy.
Figus, E. 2018. Using local ecological knowledge to inform commercial fisheries science and management in Poland and Alaska. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Doctoral Dissertation. 192 pp. Proquest Open Access link:   
Figus, E., Carothers, C., and Beaudreau, A. 2017. Using local ecological knowledge to inform fisheries assessment: measuring agreement among Polish fishermen about the abundance and condition of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua). ICES Journal of Marine Science.  
Figus, E. 2015. Stakeholder participation in the Polish Baltic Sea commercial fishing fleet. Annuals of Marine Sociology, Volume 24.
Figus, E. Accepted February 2015. Historical perspectives on the commercial fishery for Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in Southeast Alaska. Alaska Historical Society Annual Conference Proceedings 2014.
Figus, E. 2014. Sea Sampling with the International Pacific Halibut Commission. Pacific Fishing. April. Seattle, WA.
Figus, E. 2013. Is Poland Ready for Transferable Fishing Concessions? Transition Fatigue with a Twist. Annuals of Marine Sociology. ISSN: 0860-6552.  
Figus, E. 2013. Doktorantka. Wiadomości Rybackie. September-October. NR 9-10 (195). Gdynia, Poland. ISSN: 1428- 0043.
Marine Sciences for Society. 2011. Rio+20, Input for Compilation Document from the Working Group “Coastal Zones: 21st Century Challenges.” Contributing Author. In: Baztan, J., Jorgensen, B., Tett, P., Vanderlinden, J., Chouinard, O., and Vasseur, L. Coastal Zones: Solutions for the 21st Century (1st Edition). ISBN: 978-0128027486.
Figus, E. 2010. Friends Don’t Let Friends Eat Farmed Fish: Port Alexander, Alaska. One Alaskan Fishing Village’s Struggle for Sustainability in the 21st Century. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.

Documenting relationships with non-target catch in the Pacific halibut fishery off Alaska. Oral Presentation. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. April 2018. Hosted by the Society for Applied Anthropology.
Using local knowledge to inform management in the Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) fishery off Southeast Alaska. Oral Presentation. Seattle, Washington. May 2017. Hosted by the International Pacific Halibut Commission.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives for Managing Marinescapes: Highlighting Graduate Research. Session Co-Chair. Santa Fe, New Mexico. March 2017. Hosted by the Society for Applied Anthropology.
Using local knowledge to inform decision-making in the Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) fishery off Alaska. Oral presentation. Santa Fe, New Mexico. March 2017. Hosted by the Society for Applied Anthropology.
Comparing experiences with bycatch across fishermen targeting Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Oral presentation. Anchorage, Alaska. January 2017. Hosted by the Alaska Marine Science Symposium.
Eyes on the Sea: What halibut fishermen have to say about bycatch and data collection on the water. Interactive lecture series delivered to fishermen and members of the public in seven communities throughout Alaska during 2016. Lectures included reporting about what was learned from PhD research, as well as soliciting feedback on research results from Alaskan community members in Sitka, Sand Point, Kodiak, Homer, Cordova, Petersburg, and Seward.
Crossroads of History, Science and Management in Southeast Alaska Fisheries. Panel discussion. Juneau, Alaska. September 2016. Hosted by the Alaska Historical Society Conference.
Skinny cod and angry fishermen: Documenting local fisheries knowledge in Poland. Oral presentation. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. March 2016. Hosted by the Society for Applied Anthropology.
Monitoring in the commercial fishery for Pacific halibut off Southeast Alaska: incorporating local knowledge. Oral presentation. Juneau, Alaska. April 2015. Hosted by the American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter, Student Symposium.
Rybołówstwo: Alaska i Polska. Interactive lecture delivered (in Polish) to the public at the Sarbinowo Public Library, in Poland. December 2014.
Bridging disciplines to solve today’s challenges in resource management. Oral presentation. Juneau, Alaska. October 2014. Hosted by the American Fisheries Society—Alaska Chapter. Awarded Best Student Paper.
Historical perspectives on the commercial fishery for Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in Southeast Alaska. Oral Presentation. Seward, Alaska. October 2014. Hosted by the Alaska Historical Society Conference.
American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter, Student Symposium. Oral presentation. Juneau, Alaska. April 2014. 15 min. talk: “Individual catch share fisheries for Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) off Southeast Alaska and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off Poland.”
American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter, Student Symposium. Oral presentation. Juneau, Alaska. April 2013. 5 min. talk: “What’s the big deal about individual quotas? A comparative analysis of catch share fisheries in Southeast Alaska and the Baltic Sea.”
Alaska Marine Science Symposium: Showcasing research in the Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, and Gulf of Alaska. Poster Presentation.
Anchorage, Alaska. January 2013. Hosted by the Alaska Marine Science Symposium.
Ecosystem, Fishery and Food Sustainability in a Changing World. Poster Presentation. Kodiak, Alaska. October 2012. Hosted by the American Fisheries Society—Alaska Chapter.
Exploring the Interdisciplinary Approach to Fisheries Management. Speaker. NOAA James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory, Sandy Hook, New Jersey. June 2012. OneNOAA Science Seminar #1298.


Professional Service & Development
Contributing author and expert at since 2018
Participant in the 2018 Ocean Technology Innovation Sprint program
First Place winner of the 2018 Alaska Net Hack Challenge

Merchant Mariner Vessel Operator License, 100 Ton Nearcoastal MASTER / 200 Ton Nearcoastal MATE

Best Student Paper, American Fisheries Society AK Chapter Meeting, 2014 Gilman Scholar, 2008
Xi Chapter Sigma Iota Rho International Relations Society, since 2008

First Place Winner of the 2018 Alaska Net Hack Challenge
Pollock Conservation Cooperative Research Center Fellowship, 2015-2017 Northern Gulf of Alaska Applied Research Award, 2014
Alaska Historical Society Student & Beginning Prof. Travel Scholarship Award, 2014 National Science Foundation IGERT MESAS Fellowship, 2012
Mount Holyoke College Alumnae Fellowship, 2013
Kościuszko Foundation Fellowship for Graduate Research, 2013 Pulaski Scholarship, 2013
Harriet Irsay Scholarship, 2013 MESAS Small Grant, 2013, 2014, 2015
Kościuszko Foundation Tuition Scholarship, 2010 Kościuszko Foundation Year Abroad Scholarship, 2009
Nancy Wilkov-Waterman Scholarship for Summer Funding, 2008 Gilman Scholar, 2008
Nancy Jacobson Scholarship, 2006

Vessel Captain
Dolphin Jet Boat Tours, Juneau, AK
JULY 2017 – SEPTEMBER 2017
Worked as a part-time whale watch vessel Captain. Responsible for the safety and well-being of up to 35 passengers aboard a variety of recreational jet boats (25-50 feet long) during two-hour whale watch cruises in the vicinity of Auke Bay.

Vessel Captain
MV Eyak LLC, Sitka, AK
JUNE 2016 – SEPTEMBER 2016
JUNE 2014 – AUGUST 2014
Worked, lived full-time aboard 80-foot power scow MV Eyak for up to three months at a time, while deployed at sea for up to a month without returning to port. Advanced up the ranks from deckhand to captain on this salmon troll tender, including taking on the additional duties of accounting in Quickbooks software for freight contracts. As captain, became responsible for staffing the crew, scheduling trips, and resolving any issues with fishermen and/or the shore-based fish processing plant.

Vessel Captain
FV Anita, Anacortes, WA
JUNE 2015 – SEPTEMBER 2015
Worked, lived full-time aboard 57.5-foot fishing vessel. Responsibilities included acting as vessel pilot and manager for a crew of three engaged in salmon troll tending.

Deck Boss / Deckhand
MV Eyak LLC, Sitka, AK
JULY 2012
JUNE 2010 – AUGUST 2010
JUNE 2008 – AUGUST 2008
JUNE 2007 – SEPTEMBER 2007
Worked, lived full-time aboard 80-foot power scow MV Eyak for up to six months at a time. Responsibilities included salmon troll tending, wheel watch, accounting, repairs, cooking.

FV Alyson, Sitka, AK
JUNE 2005 – SEPTEMBER 2005
Worked, lived full-time aboard 46-foot fishing vessel. Responsibilities included assisting in salmon troll and halibut longline fishing.

Guest Lecturer
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Anchorage, AK
Invited Lecturer for cross-listed undergraduate / graduate level course in human dimension of environmental systems.
Invited Lecturer for cross-listed undergraduate / graduate level course in social science methods.

Sand Point High School, Sand Point, AK
Regulating Fish(ermen): Applying environmental studies to the real world in marine ecosystems. Interactive lecture delivered to high school students.

Thunder Mountain High School, Juneau, AK
Regulating Fish(ermen): Applying environmental studies to the real world in marine ecosystems. Interactive lecture delivered to high school students.

Yorktown Public High School, Arlington, VA
Regulating Fish(ermen): Applying environmental studies to the real world in marine ecosystems. Interactive lecture delivered to high school students.

University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK
FALL 2013 – FALL 2015
Math tutor, primarily for Algebra courses I and II, for undergraduate students.
Volunteer position

The Writing Center, University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK
FALL 2012 – SPRING 2014
Writing mentor for undergraduate students in the newly extended writing center.
Volunteer position

Mentor / Tutor
Wooch.een, University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK
FALL 2012 – SPRING 2014
Mentor and tutor for undergraduate students as needed, including students pursuing degrees in marine sciences.
Volunteer position

Big Brothers Big Sisters, Juneau, AK
FALL 2012 – SPRING 2014
Big Sister Mentor for a young member of the Juneau community. This involved planning and attending organized events with a young person from Juneau, with the goal of providing a positive role model in their life.
Volunteer position


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