About Individual Quotas

What are Individual Quotas? Basically, individual fishing quotas allocate a certain amount of fish--a share of the total allowable catch--to each fisher or each vessel in the fleet. Only fishers with the individual quota allocation are allowed to fish. In terms of management strategies, this can best be understood in opposition to limited entry permits (which allow anyone with a permit to catch as many fish as possible during the season) or open access/derby fishing (basically a free-for-all). From an economic standpoint, some people think of individual quota fisheries as privatization, while others think of it as rationalization.

Why do Individual Quotas matter?
Individual quotas are controversial throughout the world, but are gaining in popularity and prominence as a fisheries management strategy.

Which Individual Quota fisheries am I studying? My research focuses on the individual fishing quota (IFQ) program for halibut in Southeast Alaska (Area 2C) and the individual quota fishery for cod in Poland.
(ALASKA) The IFQ program for halibut in Alaska has been in place since 1995.  
According to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association: "An IFQ permit authorizes participation in fixed-gear harvests of Pacific halibut off Alaska, and most sablefish fisheries off Alaska. The permits are not specific to vessels. Permits are issued annually, at no charge, to persons holding fishable Pacific halibut and sablefish Quota Share (QS); or to those who are recipients of IFQ-only transfers from QS holders. Authorized pounds for annual IFQ permits are determined by the number of QS units held, the total number of QS units in the "pool" for a species and area, and the total amount of halibut or sablefish allocated for IFQ fisheries in a particular year. IFQ permits are authorized at 50 CFR Part 679.4(d)."
Source: http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/ram/ifq.htm

Fishers in Poland have functioned under a short-term semi-structured individual quota program since the 1990s. The current individual quota program for cod in Poland is part of a "Multiannual Plan," or MAP, for cod throughout the Baltic Sea. This program began in 2007, and quota share is delineated every year. The MAP was created through the European Union Common Fisheries Policy (EU CFP). 
The European Commission explains the MAP on their website: "Target: ensure sustainable exploitation by gradually reducing and maintaining mortality rates no lower than 0.6 for cod between 3 and 6 years in the Western Baltic and 0.3 for cod between 4 and 7 years in the Eastern Baltic.
Special conditions: exclusion of small-scale vessels below 8m. Flexibility for effort management for small-scale vessels between 8 and 12 metres in length."
Source: http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp/fishing_rules"/multi_annual_plans/index_en.htm


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