Many thanks to the generous funders of my research! 



Graduate Study and Research Scholarship
Kościuszko Foundation
(Monthly stipend and research support to conduct fieldwork in Poland during the Fall 2014)

Kościuszko Foundation WEBSITE


Harriet Irsay Scholarship
The American Institute of Polish Culture, Inc.
 ($1000 to support the purchase of supplies for research in Poland)

 American Institute of Polish Culture WEBSITE

 "I wanted to give something to people of Polish decent, so they would be able to improve themselves through education. We should help our own people, just like other nations help their students." 
-- Harriet Irsay

Bardwell Memorial Fellowship
Mount Holyoke College Alumnae Association
($7500 to support on-site fieldwork in Southeast Alaska, during 2014 and 2015)


Pulaski Scholarship
American Council for Polish Culture
($5000 to support research in Poland during 2014)


Pollock Conservation Cooperative Research Center
Graduate Student Fellowship
(1-3 years of tuition, health insurance, salary and research funding support at the 
University of Alaska Fairbanks, beginning in 2015)



MESAS Small Grant
National Science Foundation
($1000-$3000 grants to support travel to conferences, fieldwork, and publication fees)


MESAS Fellowship
National Science Foundation
(2 years of tuition, health insurance, and salary at the the University of Alaska Fairbanks)


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