
Showing posts from 2018

Dissertation available 'Open Access' // Dysertacja dostępna 'Open Access'

My open access PhD dissertation titled "Using local knowledge to inform commercial fisheries science and management in Poland and Alaska" is available at: Moja dysertacja jest dostępna pod tytułem "Wykorzystanie wiedzy lokalnej do informowania o komercynej nauce i zarz ądzaniu rybołówstwem w Polsce i na Alasce " na stronie:

Local knowledge about non-target catch!

In 2015, 78 commercial halibut fishermen from Alaska were interviewed about their experiences with non-target catch and perceptions about fisheries management. Preliminary results of interviews with halibut fishermen were presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, in Philadelphia, PA, USA, April 3-7, 2018. Check out photos of slides describing this exciting project!