
Showing posts from 2016

Wschodnie Stado Dorsza w Roku 2016/2017

"Ekolodzy zwracają uwagę, że wschodnie stado dorsza (eksploatowane głównie przez Polskę) jest w słabej kondycji..." Czytaj więcej na stronie:,nId,2288636#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=firefox

Outreach, Outreach, Outreach!

Well it has been awhile since my last posting on here, and I apologize for that. I have been busy over the past 6 months, skippering the Eyak troll tender over the summer, writing up a manuscript from interviews with Polish cod fishermen in 2014, and conducting outreach events around Alaska! I have been to Seward, Petersburg, Cordova, and Homer to speak with folks about halibut fishing, the Observer Program, and data collection on the water. In November, I head to Kodiak to discuss this more with residents, as well as attend the Ocean Boogie hosted by the Alaska Marine Conservation Council! I will put up more information about the Polish work in the coming months. For now, check out my flyer (below). If you happen to be in Kodiak on November 10th/11th, see you there!

Nowa Publikacja! New Publication!

Przeczytaj nowy artykuł na temat rybołówstwa w Polsce. Strona: Stakeholder Participation in the Polish Baltic Sea Commercial Fishing Fleet Więcej o czasopisma: A new article on my research in Poland has been released, titled "Stakeholder Participation in the Polish Baltic Sea Commercial Fishing Fleet" You can read the article for free, at: Stakeholder Participation in the Polish Baltic Sea Commercial Fishing Fleet Check out more articles in the latest addition of the Annuals of Marine Sociology, at:
I am happy to report that the Annuals of Marine Sociology will be publishing a second article about my Masters research, coming out this May. This is an Open Access journal, which means that all of the articles are free and available to share. You can read the first article of mine that they published at: Z przyjemnością, mam ogłosienie: Rocznik Socjologii Morskiej będzie publikować drugi artykuł na temat mojej pracy magisterskiej! Nowy artykuł będzie dostępny, za darmo, w maju. Można czytać mój pierwszy artykuł na stronie:

Let the Research Outreach Begin!

Stop # 1: Seward, Alaska, April 2016          

Check out this article about my research!
