Outreach, Outreach, Outreach!

Well it has been awhile since my last posting on here, and I apologize for that. I have been busy over the past 6 months, skippering the Eyak troll tender over the summer, writing up a manuscript from interviews with Polish cod fishermen in 2014, and conducting outreach events around Alaska! I have been to Seward, Petersburg, Cordova, and Homer to speak with folks about halibut fishing, the Observer Program, and data collection on the water. In November, I head to Kodiak to discuss this more with residents, as well as attend the Ocean Boogie hosted by the Alaska Marine Conservation Council! I will put up more information about the Polish work in the coming months. For now, check out my flyer (below). If you happen to be in Kodiak on November 10th/11th, see you there!


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