
Showing posts from 2017

Article, Skinny Cod in Poland // Artykuł, Chudy Dorsz w Polsce

The ICES Journal of Marine Science has published an article summarizing findings from interviews with Polish fishermen during 2014, focusing on the 'Skinny Cod' debate. You can read the article by clicking the link below: icesjms/article/doi/10.1093/ icesjms/fsx061/3746140/Using- local-ecological-knowledge-to- inform?guestAccessKey= 0200c8fc-eca5-4ebb-8e71- eb23671fd2e4 Nowy artykuł, w którym podsumowane są wywiady wśród rybaków w Polsce na temat 'Chudego Dorsza,' ostatnio dostał opublikowany przez ICES Journal of Marine Science. Aby przeczytać ten artykuł kliknij w poniższy link: icesjms/article/doi/10.1093/ icesjms/fsx061/3746140/Using- local-ecological-knowledge-to- inform?guestAccessKey= 0200c8fc-eca5-4ebb-8e71- eb23671fd2e4

Preliminary Results for Halibut Research in Alaska Now Available


Halibut Research on Facebook

I have been maintaining a page on facebook related to my PhD research about halibut fishing and management in Southeast Alaska. Check for updates, at:

Albatross Videos (2013)/Filmy Albatrosów (2013)

Three short-tailed albatross among a flock of northern fulmars. Short-tailed albatross (STALs) are critically endangered, so the International Pacific Halibut Commission has special provisions for recording any time sea samplers observe STALs out at sea during the annual stock assessment survey.  As a sea sampler, I did my best to grab my video camera and get a shot of them taking off or landing near the boat, to check and see if they had a band around their leg. This helps those ornithologists (bird scientists) figure out if the birds are coming from a known breeding ground, or somewhere else. If they don't have a leg band, it means that they might be breeding in a new spot, which is great! This summer, I recorded 8 different sighting of STALs. I am working on putting up videos for each one. For now, check out what I have finished! Sighting 1: These were the first short-tailed albatross that I saw. Sighting 2: For this

Halibut Fishing (Film)/Łowienie Halibuta (Film)

Click below to watch how commercial fishers catch Pacific halibut in Alaska! Tu można oglądać jak rybacy na Alasce łowią halibut Pacyficzny!

Research Film (2014)/Film o Badanie (2014)

Check out my new video describing my project, at: Background Fisheries scientists do their best to conduct important and relevant research. It is our hope that our work has some effect on the world around us. One way that we can affect the ecosystems that we study is through policy. But! What happens after a policy gets approved and put into place?   Who decides whether it is successful or not?   And how can relative success be measured? My name is Elizabeth Figus, and it is my goal to answer those questions. I study how one type of commercial fishing policy—individual quotas—affects both marine ecosystems and the fishers that depend on those ecosystems for their livelihood. The goal of my project is to determine the strong and weak points of individual quota fisheries policies from both social and bio-economic perspectives. I am looking at two fisheries:  The Pacific halibut ( Hippoglossus stenolepis ) fi

IPHC Sea Sampling 2013

I spent the summer working on a sampling vessel (the F/V Kema Sue) in the Bering Sea, for the International Pacific Halibut Commission. I made a short and silly film about the experience, which you can watch here: Staff at the International Pacific Halibut Commission at training in Seattle, May 2013 Fishing Vessel "Kema Sue;" Kuter rybacki "Kema Sue"  Spędziłam lato w tym roku (2013) pracując na kutrze rybackim "Kema Sue" na morzu Beringa, jako próbnik morski, czyli "sea sampler." To jest stanowisko pracy dla Międzynarodowej Komisji Halibuta Pacyficznego (IPHC). Kręciłam krótki film o czasie na tym statku badawczo-rybackim. Niestety to jest po angielsku, ale można oglądać ten film na stronie: